Sunday, December 7, 2008

we have Contact?

Ok, so I didn't make out last week due to a noise in my gearbox. After digging around in there, I sorted out the issue and My bike does now indeed run.... (?) But! Its now making a different noise, which bothers me, though its not as threatening as the previous noise. -Also it used to not be able to roll backwards, which it now does (1st speed clutch was in reverse). In just riding it, it did seem somewhat ballsier and the transmission mods did seem to work. So hopefully it'll run fur rillz, and I'll try to figure out what ever is that persistant noise... fret. fret. fret. -In addition to all the other issues: Lighting, jetting, legality, lack of centerstand, non-functional tachometer, etc...


Philip Patrie said...

Get a little candle and put it in a glass then tape that to the front, head light solved. Don't worry too much about the plate, I rode 3 months before getting a ticket. Hope to see you tonight!

Philip Patrie said...

Oh, by the way, whenever I have a strange noise, the first thing I do is tighten down the flywheel. It always sounded like a clutch banging around, but every time it was my flywheel coming off the taper a little.