So, because my unemployment has freezed up my work on new projects, I decided to put my Newport's engine back together as it was a long while back. A few changes have been made since last time, largely in the effort of building up the motor my custom cylinder was planned for. They include:
-Upgraded connecting rod with caged bearing instead of the brass journal of the original (Thanks to Motion Mopeds on that)
-New 2nd speed shift pucks, again MLM
-Lightening of the 2nd speed clutch and secondary gear of about 120 grams
-Tensioning of the 2nd speed clutch
-Tomos 12V lighting coil
-Optimized header & (hopefully) improved tuned length
-Del'lorto 21mm PHBG
I'm planning on installing the motor today. I'm still not sure if the 21mm carb will jive with the Tomos cylinder, as the 19mm I used to run seemed big enough. I'm also not sure what if any changes need to be made to the wiring to accommodate the Tomos coil. The goal here is to show up at a Mosquito Fleet meeting with an actual running moped. How Novel!
Its quite a difference going from a semi-functional 'shop' to working on a kitchen counter. oh well...
We would love to see you at this Moped Monday, I hope it comes together! Working in the kitchen seems to be the thing to do in Seattle.
I've never done kitchens. I've done bedrooms, attics, and carports in the middle of winter. Garages are still the best. But far and few between around some of these parts.
Sorry to hear about your 2 speed noises, I'm sure you'll get it together!
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